Neville Butler Memorial Prize

Through money raised in connection with commemorating Neville Butler’s life, and generous support from the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), this important landmark will be added to the longitudinal research calendar.

The prize of £5,000 is awarded annually to a post-doctoral or equivalent early career longitudinal researcher. Support for the prize comes mainly from ESRC, with additional help from the Neville Butler Memorial Fund and is currently available for three years.


Neville Butler Memorial Prize 2011

This year's winner was announced on 13th June 2011 as part of the Neville Butler Memorial Lecture event. Dr. Laura Howe, (University of Bristol) was presented with her prize by the Rt. Hon. David Willetts MP at the Brunei Gallery in the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

Tom Schuller, Director of Longview, said: 'Dr. Howe's submission was exactly the kind of research which this prize is intended to support: rigorous and original use of longitudinal research on a topic of current significance. Looking at obesity in a lifecourse context helps us understand better its trajectory, and when interventions might be most effective. We were also most impressed by the plans Dr. Howe has to disseminate her work, to practitioners as well as researchers.

The aims of the prize are:

1. To promote the understanding and importance of longitudinal and lifecourse research within the public domain

2. To reward publically relevant new work grounded in empirical analysis of longitudinal data

3. To enhance the capacity of early career researchers to communicate their findings to a wider audience

To view her winning paper please click here


Neville Butler Memorial Prize 2010

This year's winners were announced on 10th March 2010 at the House of Commons:

Joint 1st prize - Luna Muñoz and Mayada Elsabbagh


Neville Butler Memorial Prize 2009

There were five applicants for the prize, three of whom were shortlisted. It was decided by the judging panel to divide the prize between the three shortlisted candidates:

1st prize - Simon Whitworth and Martina Portanti

2nd prize - Dylan Kneale

Runner Up - Reuben Ng

The prizes, which included cut glass momentos, were awarded to successful applicants by John Bynner (Longview), Professor Ian Diamond (Chief Executive of ESRC) and Mr Peter Bottomley (Science and Technology Committee) in the Parliament Building, 1 Parliament Street, Westminster at the Economic and Social Research Council's Festival of Social Sciences.