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The Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies is an international learned society with a multi-disciplinary nature, bringing together members who have a shared interest in longitudinal and life course research. SLLS was established in 2009 and has nearly 400 members worldwide. Interested in becoming a member? Please see information below:

Membership Benefits

As a member of SLLS you receive:

1. Free, open access to read and publish in our peer reviewed journal, Longitudinal & Life Course Studies

2. A regular newsletter of global news and events in longitudinal and life course research from our President

3. Substantially reduced fees for attendance at the Society’s annual conference, to be held in 2013 in Amsterdam

4. A link with your regional Global Representative, who promotes SLLS in your region and organises local activities

5. Collaborative contacts throughout the global longitudinal and life course research community

6. A close association with the Longview think tank, which promotes longitudinal research and communication between policy makers and researchers

7. Access to capacity building initiatives including our annual summer school

8. The opportunity to make nominations, be nominated and vote in elections for the future SLLS President and Executive Committee

SLLS publishes the international journal Longitudinal & Life Course Studies. The Society took over responsibility for the journal following the end of a three year development grant from the Nuffield Foundation to establish it. We have been successful in obtaining generous co-sponsorship from the Department of Psychiatric Methodology, Free University (VU), Amsterdam and the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex. The remainder of the funding for the journal will come from Society membership fees and, regrettably, later in August 2012, a small annual readership registration charge (£20, 27euros,US$30) for non-members of the Society. Your membership is therefore vital to the journal's continuation. The journal will remain entirely free and open access to members of SLLS, both for readership and publication. The January issue of the journal each year publishes a supplement containing the abstracts from the preceding conference. Abstracts from the Paris conference will be published in January 2013.


Individual and Student Membership - Fees

Full Annual Membership - £65/ €90/ US$115

Student Annual Membership - £26/ €35/ US$45


Become a Member or Renew Your membership

To become a member or to renew, please click the link below and complete the membership form.

SLLS Membership Renewal and New Member Application Form



Payment of membership can be made by:

Standing Order

This is our preference as it saves on valuable administration time. There are two ways to do this:

1. Set up a standing order manually (online banking or over the counter) using these bank details:

For those paying in £GBP please use these details:

Account name: Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
Bank: The Co-operative Bank

Sort code: 08-92-99
Account No: 65551976

For those paying in Euros and US$ please use these details:

Account name: Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
Bank: The Co-operative Bank

IBAN: GB57CPBK08929965551976

2. Print off a standing order mandate form*, complete fields, sign and send to:

Catherine Westlake, SLLS, 142 Fortess Road, London, NW5 2HP, United Kingdom.

* For UK based customers only.


Credit/debit card

Please click here to pay your membership by credit/debit card


Online bank transfer

You can make an online bank transfer using the same bank account details as above. Please add your surname as a reference on the payment so we can identify it easily.



Please make cheques payable to 'SLLS' and send with a copy of the membership form to: Catherine Westlake, 142 Fortess Road, London, NW5 2HP, United Kingdom.



Please complete the membership form and tick the 'Invoice' option under 'Payment Options'. We will then send an invoice to you.