

"The Measurment of Wellbeing: the Contribution of Longitudinal Studies"



"Options for the Design of the 2012 Birth Cohort Study"


"Use of Longitudinal Data in the Evaluation of the Scottish Government's Strategic Outcomes"


"Cognitive Capital and the Return to Education and Social Change: Lessons from the Last 50 Years"
by John Bynner and Michael Wadsworth

"Scientific Case for a New Cohort Study"

"Scientific Case for a New Cohort Study" - Appendices


"Strategic Review of Panel and Cohort Studies"
Report to the Research Resources Board of the Economic and Social Research Council
by Jean Martin, University of Oxford; John Bynner, Longview; Graham Kalton, Westat (USA); Paul Boyle, St Andrews University; Harvey Goldstein, University of Bristol; Vernon Gayle, Stirling University; Samantha Parsons, Institute of Education; Andrea Piesse, Westat

"Appendices to the Strategic Review of Panel and Cohort Studies”

"Biomarkers in the Proposed UK Longitudinal Household Study"
Meena Kumari, Department of Epidemiology, University College London (UCL); Mike Wadsworth, Director, National Survey for Health and Development, University College London (UCL); Margaret Blake, National Centre for Survey Research; John Bynner, Director, Longview; Gert G. Wagner, Berlin University of Technology (TUB) and Director, German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), Berlin.


“Challenges for Longitudinal Research"
Synopsis of Findings from a Scoping Study
by John Bynner

Please check back regularly for more publications.